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Management Courses, Stream & Career Options A Complete Guidance

If you have the aim to be a manager, you prepare for the management stream. Like engineering, management also has different streams, commonly known as specialization. Management covers a wide range of streams. Conventional business management courses have been designed to address the needs of the industrial age in which functional specialization was key. At present, the need is more towards a generalist skill base, with innovation as a central theme.

Career objectives always help to decide which specialization is best for you. There are a variety of Management specializations in India. Here is a brief Management stream in India:

Accounting Management

This stream deals with the financial part of a business. It is about planning and implementing various financial measures.

Telecom Management

The Telecom industry branch of management teaches you the various aspects and dynamics of the industry. It also offers training on various technical aspects of this field.

Human Resource

If you are looking for your career in human resources, planning, and strategy, then you can opt for HR Management. This management program includes the labor market, emerging economies, leadership, etc. The most counselor suggests this specialization to those who have good communication skills and personality; boldness and confidence are also required.

Information Technology

The IT & Communication sector is also looking for techno-managers to plan, design, selection, implementation, usage, and administration of relevant activities. who will be able to manage his business team, which is dedicated to designing and implementing software/hardware to provide some business solutions?

Retail Management

It involves logistics, marketing, administration, finance, and other areas of operation. Retail management has become very popular over the last couple of years.

Sports Management

Sports Management is all about managing a club or a team. The person in charge should have the skills of marketing, public relations, advertisement and of course other managerial skills.

Tourism Management

The tourism industry flourishing all over the world, it has become essential to have individuals who possess extensive knowledge on the subject. Tourism Management deals with transport, public relations, international business and the hotel industry.

Operations Management

Operations Management, as the name suggests, deals with the entire operation of a business organization. Its scope includes purchase, marketing, finance, advertisement, public relations, sales, and others.

International Business

International operations require knowledge of international operations, marketing, and finance, etc. International Business enables an in-depth understanding of organizational behavior and capabilities.

Disaster Management

Disaster Management is also known as Emergency Management. The objective of help people/communities to recover from the terrible effects of the disaster. Disaster Management includes evaluation, search, and rescue, monitoring, reconstruction, relief, and rehabilitation operations.

Personnel Management

Human resource management, Personal Management is all about managing the best resources of any company, which is the human resource. It deals in human psychology, verbal and nonverbal communications, stress management, anger management and other areas related to manpower.

Scope and Career opportunities in Business Management

All business enterprises, non-profit organizations, and government bodies hire Business Management graduates in various capacities. Some of the sectors which hire such graduates in large numbers include FMCG, IT, Banking & Finance, Consultancy & Manufacturing.

  • Management Trainee
  • Sales Representative
  • Marketing Executive Manager
  • Assistant Manager
  • Financial Analyst
  • Business Analyst

Courses in Management 

Management courses include degree courses like MBA, BBA, PGDM and also many other stream types like Hospital Management, Hotel Management, Aviation Management, Event Management, etc. Apart from that, there are multiple certificate management courses, based on specific skills and topics.


Most Popular Courses in Management Stream 

BBA Human Resource Management

BBA in Hospital Management


BBA in Sports Management

BBA in Global Business


BBA Event Management

BBA Financial Management

BBA Marketing Management

BBA Aviation

BBA Logistics & Supply Chain management

BBA Public Policy

MBA Specializations




International Business


Disaster Management

Human Resources

Energy & Environment


Import & Export


IT & Systems

Business Analytics

Healthcare & Hospital

Digital Marketing

Business Economics


Agriculture & Food Business


Materials Management

NGO Management

Oil & Gas



Project Management

Rural Management

Sports Management

Supply Chain


Textile Management

Transport & Logistics


Public Policy


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